Golf Course
Latest on the Golf Course - posted 10th September 2024 - from Steve Walters
The public hearings for Leicester’s Local Plan are due to commence on the 1st October and the 15 all day sessions will run into November.
The public hearings for Leicester’s Local Plan are due to commence on the 1st October and the 15 all day sessions will run into November.
It is part of the Regulation 19 process. The golf course will be discussed on 3rd October.
I have submitted a large amount of written material as part of the hearings. After all the hearings have been completed, the government inspection team will begin writing an interim report based on all the evidence. It is probable that they will highlight changes that need to be made to the plan.
Eventually the plan should reach a point where the council will vote to adopt the plan.
All the development sites in the plan will then be forwarded for detailed planning, which will be subjected to public consultation. The details of highways access, house and employment areas, household waste site and the Gypsy Traveller site, will be released at this point.
The Examination Hearing, which was due to open on Tuesday 2 July, has been postponed due to the General Election taking place on 4 July.
The Hearing sessions scheduled for 2-4 and 9-11 July will be rearranged for alternative dates.
A revised Hearing programme and Guidance Notes will be published in due course.
Details will be circulated to all intended participants and posted on the website.
This will include revised dates for confirming participation in the Hearing, and submitting Statements of Common Ground and Hearing Statements.
Things have been very quiet with the Leicester City Local Plan process since it was submitted to the government inspectors in September 2023. However, major decisions affecting the future of the course will be made this year.
Part 1 of the crucial document, Matters, Issues and Questions has just been released by the government inspection team for the July hearings.
Topics listed for discussion:
- Is the housing allocation justified?
- Loss of green space
- Loss of Green Wedge
- Loss of trees and woodland
- Biodiversity, including the Local Wildlife Site
- Protected species
- Living conditions of local residents
- Air quality
- Pollution
- Flood risk
- Traffic and highway safety
- Infrastructure and facilities
- The Household Waste and Recycling Centre.
A direct link to the City Local Plan examination details can be found in the Golf Course tab on the Glenfield Gazette website.
The hearings date for most matters relating to the golf course has been set for 4th July 2024. The venue will be City Hall, Charles Street.
Any member of the public can attend the hearings as an observer but only those who responded to the February 2023 consultation can further participate in person at the hearings or in writing. Anyone wishing to actively take part should notify the Programme Officer, Ian Kemp by the deadline 4th June 2024.
The deadline for written comments is 14th June.
Contact Ian Kemp (Programme Officer) by email at
The link below will take you to the City Council Local Plan website
Earlier news items about the former Western Park Golf Course appear below:
The former Western Park Golf Course
Report From Steve Walters - 28th October 2023
We’re just coming out of a quiet phase for the golf course. On the 6th July there was a full City Council Meeting. A motion had been proposed for the meeting by Conservative Councillor Rae Bhatia that two of the largest green spaces listed in City’s Local Plan be removed. They were Beaumont Park and the golf course. After a fierce debate the motion was unfortunately lost 26 to 22 votes. This was a huge disappointment as it would have been a major turning point, although not unexpected as all the Labour councillors voted with the party line.
The total Leicester City Local Plan was subsequently submitted to the government inspector team on 26th September. There will now be a delay to allow the full examination of the considerable amount of documents. It is anticipated that the public hearings will take place in early to mid 2024. This will be the final opportunity to challenge any aspect of the Local Plan.
At the end of the examination the Inspector will send a report to Leicester City Council recommending whether or not they can adopt the plan. In most cases the report will recommend some changes that are necessary to allow the plan to be adopted. These are known as ‘main modifications’.
After the examinations are completed it will be put to a vote at a City full council meeting.
If the Local Plan is approved at the City Council meeting, it will then enter detailed planning phases, which will give a further opportunity to object.
The link below will take you to the City Council Local Plan website
Editor‘s Note: If you live locally, but have not yet visited the Former Western Golf Course, I urge you to do so, to see for yourself what we risk losing.
You can access the area at various points in Glenfield, including Blackthorn Road, Slate Walk Way, Somerset Drive or via Optimus Point (alongside Gearys Bakery).
If you are unable to visit in person, you can take a virtual walk around the Golf Course online. Visit: to experience a superb low-level drone video created by Alan Rampton Photography.